Well, it appears I continuously keep neglecting my blog. Sorry blog, life just gets to be just too much sometimes and I can't keep up. Feels like everything is moving too fast yet I'm stuck in slow-motion, and I wonder how everyone can cope at the speed they are going.
Just finished watching the 2008 Japanese film Departures. I thought it was brilliant. So brilliant that I felt the need to update this blog! I don't think it is a film for all tastes (infact, if I wasn't doing research on the Japanese language and using this film as material I probably would never have picked it up) but if you have the time, try it.
Well, not much to say.... but my film script got chosen this year! I was very happy about that, especially when I only spent a couple hours in the writing process, but the feedback I received was great and it has made me want to pursue writing all the more. I'll write more about it once the film is done (I am wishing so hard that it turns out as brilliant as I had intended it to be), I'm the production designer in the making of it, and am working really hard (well ok, as hard as a slacker like me can) in my role! Lots of stress, but lots of fun!
Just finished watching the 2008 Japanese film Departures. I thought it was brilliant. So brilliant that I felt the need to update this blog! I don't think it is a film for all tastes (infact, if I wasn't doing research on the Japanese language and using this film as material I probably would never have picked it up) but if you have the time, try it.
Well, not much to say.... but my film script got chosen this year! I was very happy about that, especially when I only spent a couple hours in the writing process, but the feedback I received was great and it has made me want to pursue writing all the more. I'll write more about it once the film is done (I am wishing so hard that it turns out as brilliant as I had intended it to be), I'm the production designer in the making of it, and am working really hard (well ok, as hard as a slacker like me can) in my role! Lots of stress, but lots of fun!