Sunday, February 8, 2009

The King Has Said It All - Book Rants!

I'm glad someone finally (publicly!) said it - the thing that everyone knows deep down inside, but just won't admit it - "Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn"! LOL. Go Stephen King you good thing! Yes, I am a biased-hoe and I have hated the "Twilight" franchise before I even opened the book and read it, likewise I have not read anything Stephen King either (purely because I'm a chicken! And I only know him in association with horror/thriller - his movies still make me shudder just thinking about them!). For one thing - how unoriginal can the story get! Vampires, werewolves, humans falling in love with them - makes me want to hurl!- a rock at the author! And yes, I have not read it (save for a page or two) - and I never will read it. Which is also just like the "Harry Potter" series! Less hate for HP ever since the coming of Twilight, but I just can't seem to bring myself to read the books after an attempt of The Chamber of Secrets some years back - perhaps it just isn't for me? And that may very well be the case with "Twilight"....

Another book I absolutely despise is "The Court of The Air" by Stephen Hunt. And this dislike is sitting purely with the writing - or lack of! I mean the world Mr. Hunt creates is undoubtably one of the most amazing settings I have ever glimpsed into. A monarchy that degrades its ruler by cutting the king's arms off "so that he cannot raise a hand against his people" (inaccurate quoting), and the city of robotics, airships and militants whose shady side brings rise to the tale. What not to love by this steampunk scene?! Alas, my interest with this world is cut short with the author's writing style. I just can't explain it. How could he waste such a wonderful creation, with this (in my opinion) half-assed narration? The description was thoroughly lacking and I had to fill in any blanks with my own ideas. It is also easy to get lost in the text, where one minute when you finally get an udnerstanding of one thing, another thing comes up to hurt your head even further! One point of example is the technology - it took me three reads of the same chapter (can't remember which exactly) to finally understand that I was reading through the eyes of a machine, some security device to be exact. I mean, I totally understand that he doesn't want to destroy the illusion of the universe he created by explaining every single detail - but I hope he realises that explaining nothing is equally as dumb! So after about eight chapters, I just had to put the book down... it is now whithering away on my bag-rack somewhere. Amazon may have given it 3.5 stars, in my opinion it barely reaches 1.

However, a fantastic book I did buy the other week was "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman. And I mean marvelously - orgasmically - fantastic! To be honest, I only bought it in hopes that it proved far (very very very far) more superior than its 1987's film of the same title. I had watched the movie a few years ago because I heard it was really great - I was disappointed. The plot, story and characters were all memorable - but I guess it was the total presentation of the film that I just didnt' sit well with me, which I just couldn't digest. The book, on the otherhand, I couldn't put down from page one! It is so masterfully written and constructed with every page as eventful and colourful as the next! Already it is battling for the first place position of my all-time favourite reads - overtaking my affection for "Catcher in The Rye" by J. D. Salinger, and tieing with "Across The Nightingale Floor" by Lian Hearn. Oneday I hope to write something as amazing as this tale of Buttercup (the most beautiful girl of all) and her escape of heartbreak, revenge, Cliff of Insanity, poison and marriage to find true love with farm boy, Westley. And to end my PB rant "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" LOL.

..... Recently I've gotten in touch with what I really want to do in life - even though I feel it's a little late - not as if that will stop me! It was a childhood dream of mine to become a novelist back in my primary school years, where in fourth, fifth, and seventh grade all my teachers had all praised me for the stories I come up with in our Creative English Writing sessions. I still remember the stuff I wrote back then - worlds of magic, fairies, evil kings - and sea monsters that like the rhythm to "You Give Love A Bad Name" by Bon Jovi, only to die in an ironic manner. It brings a smile to my face! So here I am once again - aspiring to become a publishing author (liek I once dreamed of when I was ten)! I don't know if I will ever achieve this - but even so it's still great to dream big...

edit: LOL thanks for telling me that I wrote his name wrong. MY BAD. Clearly it shows I'm not a fan...

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