Monday, June 21, 2010

Stand There And Watch Me Burn

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

I've noticed that my entries lately have been titled with lyric-thievery from songs! I'M TOO LAZY TO THINK OF A WITTY TITLE!...

This entry really isn't about anything, just to announce THAT I HAVE FOUND A NEW SONG THAT ACTUALLY MAKES ME FEEL! And it feels fucking fantastic! So I tip my hat to you Eminem, for the marvelous song "Love The Way You Lie" featuring Rhianna, it just tears at my heart! It really does!....... OK, so the word "feel" isn't it, because I've never been in an destructively-loving relationship, however this song outlines the relationship of my two protagonists from my planned story quite well, and is fueling me to begin writing. Though, my characters aren't actually in an abusive relationship - they do begin resenting one another, yet can't find the power to let go because they still love each other ..... God, I hope that doesn't sound too emo or anything....

Want to know what my story is about? No? Well I don't care! Imma tell you anyway! It still remains untitled but I figured the title would just come naturally whenever I get to completing it (if I ever complete it!). The idea has been with me for over a year now.... not my best idea.... but one that cultures the sick, twisted, sadis within me.... as well as that idiotic, bubbleheaded, hopeless romantic.... (also one, that I think the general public would accept, because believe me - my mind is a little more fucked up than I let on - inregards to story/plot development)... well I'll summarize it into a couple of sentences.

A girl ends up murdering her abusive mother, and her mother's boyfriend. She attempts to ditch the bodies in a river, but is discovered by a passing young gentleman, who actually offers to help her get rid of the corpses the proper way. Romance ensues. (This is meant to be a fictional story about a young married couple - yes, they tie the knot! Rejoice! - and actually concentrates on that, rather than the whole murder aspect.... the point of her falling for a killer? No point - just thought it was a rather sexy idea. Heh.)

Was that lame? Was it cheesey? Cliche? .... Could it perhaps intrigue you into reading it? Tell me! LEND ME YOUR INTELLIGENT LITTLE BRAINS! *licks lips like a zombie*

OH, and I just love this review on Amazon about Twilight! This person definitely puts into words the way I feel towards the series - I'm almost jealous that it wasn't me who wrote this! And I love them also for their small comment on Eragon. Both books are bad. Badly written, badly developed, just bad - and not in the hot/sexy way!.... Though, admittedly I feel a little insecure for bashing Twilight as I have (and a bit of a hypocrite) because I HAVE NOT READ IT (2 pages is not enough... and I have only seen the first film: which makes that review seem pretty damn accurate) and it annoys me when people comment negatively about something they have not seen/read... but due to all the retardedness flying about with the series, I just can not bring myself to read it! And I will be honest, I am mainly scared to read it because I have that lingering feeling that I might actually enjoy it, and I do not want to. I only think this because the premise of the whole concept is - not so bad. Cliche - human/vampire, forbidden love, drama. But IS IS A CLICHE I DO LIKE! Who does not occassional have the daydream of being swept off their feet by a mysteriously, dark, and handsome Prince of The Night?! However, I am certain the level of literacy is - at best - on parr with contributors at Fictionpress (I actually think Twilight would be BELOW, because FP has some MINDBLOWLY AMAZING STORIES: HERE, I'LL LINK YOU TO ONE! Though I should warn you that is MxM SLASH, but even if you are not comfortable with that - READ IT ANYWAY, it has such a GREAT storyline, and far better written then some published authors who people should feel ashamed to defend with the argument "you're just jealous because you didn't do it"..... NO I AM NOT JEALOUS, BECAUSE IT WOULD HURT MY SELF-MORALE TO EVER BE ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH TRAVESTIES OF LITERATURE! In fact I'm glad garbage like that gets published, it gives me confidence and hope that I, too, someday would also be able to be on the best-sellers list!)


.... And if you were wondering why I looked up Twilight on Amazon... it is because I looked up my favourite book, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and was curious to see the reason why those 28 reviewers gave such a COMPLETELY FLAWLESS (lol bias) book 1 out of 5 stars..... this then lead me to the trail of other books so I could read why others didn't enjoy the books that I think are perfect. I looked up Twilight for the lols. And I got them.

(I'm currently in love with the Superhero/Supervillain premise... how I wish I could meet a guy whom would say "-Did I forget to mention I'm a Superhero?" Yes, that's my current romantic fantasy! God, I'm lame...)

OH, I also went on the 'Torchlight Tour' of one of Perth's most haunted locations, Fremantle Prison. All I can say is that it was extremely disappointing, and shall write more about it when it is not so early in the freaking morning...

Sidenote: I was actually thinking whether I should mention "Fly Me To The Moon" in this entry, but chose to go with Eminem instead! Either way, both great songs!

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